Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Does Training and Certification Increase Salary?

According to the 2010 IT Skills and Salary Report, published by Global Knowledge and TechRepublic, job performance was cited as the biggest driver to getting a raise and/or higher salary across all surveyed domains. Along with other factors, getting an IT certification boosted job performance for the simple fact of the learning and training required. An overwhelming majority of managers and non-managers who took part in the survey agreed that the rigorous preparation for certification enhanced individuals' on-the-job performance. But what does that translate to money in the pocket? “Overall, professionals who had earned an IT or project management certification during the last five years earned an average of $5,242 more than their counterparts,” states the Report.

Getting certified isn’t all about more money, but it sure helps. Certification creates opportunities, keeps you current, provides resources and connections for growth and, let’s not forget, a serious sense of accomplishment.

Here’s a look at the Report’s top 20 salaries by popular certifications:

Popular Certifications Salary

PMP® - Project Management Professional              $104,253

CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate            $79,695

MCP - MS Certified Professional                             $74,438

MCSE - MS Certified Systems Engineer                   $86,454

ITIL® v3 Foundation                                                $101,185

MCSA - MS Certified System Administrator             $76,337

ITIL v2 Foundation                                                   $102,128

CompTIA - Network+                                             $70,902

CompTIA - A+                                                        $68,631

CompTIA - Security+                                              $76,844

CISSP - Cert Info Sys Security Professional             $99,928

CCNP - Cisco Certified Network Professional         $89,864

Other Project Management Certificate                      $95,979

VMware Certified Professional                                 $91,271

Six Sigma                                                                $111,908

MCITP - MS Certified IT Professional                    $82,044

Other Business Process Certifications                       $94,383

CCDA - Cisco Certified Design Associate                $93,953

MCDST - MS Certified Desktop Support Technician $70,197

MCTS - Windows Vista, Configure                            $71,786